Human capital is the stock of habits, knowledge, social and personality attributes embodied in the ability to perform labour so as to produce economic value.
Is it possible with all our technological advancements that we have forgotten that human beings still and will continue to exist? Could it be that in all the talk about artificial intelligence (AI) that we have underestimated the power of human intelligence (HI)? After all, AI only exists and will continue to be a meaningful part of our lives because of HI. Newsflash and maybe spoiler – humans do have intelligence! The challenge for leaders is to understand that intelligence, harness it and direct it towards productive purposes that will have mutual benefits to the organization and people (its employees and those with a vested interest).
We hear the talk and sometimes we become afraid – AI is coming! Humans are here, waiting to be recognized as the intelligent lifeforce we are; waiting to be treated with dignity; waiting for opportunities to make a difference. And when humans engage in initiating that difference themselves, they want to get a fair shot of success.
“The key factor between the organizations that will sustain success and those that don’t will be the ability to engage one’s people to bring their very best”
– Shawn Moon, FranklinCovey
Like every other revolution in the course of human history, AI would make a significant difference in how we live, work and play. And like every revolution, humans will still be here after that revolution transitions to the next. But during the process, leaders must ensure they leverage the best asset in their company – their people – to secure the competitive advantage they plan for. When they fail to create an environment conducive to the success of their people, the world of business does not wait to allow them to catch it; someone else would take their place.
“The ultimate competitive advantage belongs to organizations that can get the best contribution possible from the best people they can find.”
– Shawn Moon, FranklinCovey
Read more on Human Capital from Shawn Moon, FranklinCovey.